Worth fighting for.

3:02 PM

Its been a long time since I last wore this shoes. This was the first purple shoes I ever had. HAHAHA. My tita gave it to me 4 years ago, she bought it when she was still living in the states. One of my favorite shoes. *U*
To tell you the truth I love sneakers and rubber shoes even when I was in elementary, I'd rather have rubber shoes than any other kind of shoes. I bought my first ever converse when I was in grade 4, using my own money. I'm  so cool right? HAHA.
My brother agreed to take a photos of me again instead of my usual tripod and my camera's timer, though I had to bribe him with foods again. Tsk
This spike baler for just P20! Awesome!
It looks like I have no short here. Woops.
Top (Giordano) - Thrifted | Shorts - Abercrombie | Shoes - Puma/Gift | Berret - Bought from Baguio | Acc's - Bazaar

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